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How To Get Strangers To Want To Watch Your Stuff

Complete guide to starting a YouTube channel, learning to edit videos in Premiere Pro, and building an audience.

Starting a YouTube channel can be scary. What if it fails?

You thought of starting a YouTube channel; maybe even set one up. But the idea of all of it failing and being a huge waste of time got you stuck.


What if no one will watch your videos? What will other people think? What do you even make videos about? How do you edit them?


Or maybe you had a channel for an embarrassingly long time and nothing much to show for it? You sat on a niche idea that should have gotten you monetized and generated revenue months ago.


You tried playing the great game of YouTube, but now you're ready for a step-by-step nitty-gritty detail, a tutorial on how to actually make it work.


So what are your options?


  • Get analysis paralysis and sit on the idea for months while you tell yourself you'll start "when the time is right."


  • Spend hours upon hours wrestling with video editing software (the most time-consuming part).


  • Keep making the same videos and hope that "the algorithm" will finally notice.


  • Spend months feeling frustrated and overwhelmed, slowly crawling up, trying to make each video better, and learning painful mistakes via trial and error.


  • See other newer channels outgrow yours seemingly without any effort and lower video quality just because they do things that work.


Thankfully, you don't need to do all that. I'm going to give you 2+ years of my YouTube experience with all the puzzle pieces in place. I learned these lessons the hard way, so you don't have to.

At the end of this course you'll know:

All the steps you need to create high-quality videos that viewers actually want to come back to and watch again.

✅ How to get over the fear of starting.

✅ How to pick a niche.

✅ How to write clickable titles.

✅ How to make thumbnails.

✅ How to use Adobe Premiere Pro at a pace where you can actually absorb it.

✅ How to use keyboard shortcuts to reduce editing time from days to hours.

20% of the needle-moving things to focus on and 80% of things that don't matter to ignore.

How to grow a profitable channel that generates income even if you don't want to show your face.

How to make videos no one else but you can make to win the game of YouTube.

Here are some of my results:

Although I don't (yet) have a million subscriber channel, learning to make videos directly translated into me earning at least an extra $1000/mo from YouTube (most of which come from older videos that continue to make passive income in the background).

The things you will learn in this course took me years to learn with good old trial and error, scattered YouTube tutorials, and failing over, and over, and over again.

But you don't need to do all that. After 6 densely packaged modules, you'll have all the knowledge to start and grow your own profitable and sustainable YouTube channel.

The entire course will be delivered to you straight away. You can learn on your own time at your own pace.

Course curriculum:

Want to take the guesswork out of building a (faceless) YouTube channel?